
Training of Facilitators

Still A Mum > Training of Facilitators

Support group facilitators are people who are passionate in counselling and in supporting bereaved families – they could be parents who have lost a baby and already received support from Still A Mum. They facilitate support group sessions. They do not necessarily have a background in counselling but they are motivated individuals who would like to support bereaved families. Support group facilitators work under qualified psychologists for guidance and supervision. They are also guided by a study manual that entails the relevant topics of the sessions and assignments.

We specifically train Support Group Facilitators in:

  • Basic counselling skills
  • Process and steps of facilitating support groups
  • Group dynamics
  • Common grief disorders and its symptoms
  • Basic counselling interventions for bereaved families
  • Escalation procedures such as signs that a client requires special attention such as individual therapy and Psychiatric review

After completion of the training, support group facilitators are awarded with a certificate. We then encourage and support them in hosting and running a Still A Mum support group in their area/region.

Have any questions? Email: helpline@stillamum.com