
Respectful Bereavement Care

Still A Mum > Respectful Bereavement Care

The death of a baby during pregnancy, at birth, or even months after birth is a devastating experience. The care that parents receive around this time has a huge impact on how soon they find healing as well as their long-term wellbeing. We know compassionate care cannot remove the pain and devastation that bereaved parents experience, but poor or insensitive care makes things worse, both immediately and in the months and years that follow.

This training is for health care professionals – doctors, midwives, gynecologists, pediatricians, doulas, nurses among other caregivers that work in maternity and pediatric departments or anywhere pregnancy and/or infant loss may occur. Beyond training, we help facilities improve their bereavement support by auditing your processes and provide clear guidelines on the principles of bereavement care including ways for improving care. We have a wealth of tools, information and printed resources for professionals as well as resources for supporting parents.

Have any questions? Email helpline@stillamum.com